Sony Play station 5 in one quarter, hitting 4.5 million sales, pushing game business revenue to a record 2.52 billion baht.

Until the launch of the product, ready for sale in November. That means they only have a two-month period before the end of their budget in Q4 2020 (or in the third quarter of the company’s fiscal year). Although the ‘period’ doesn’t seem to be a hindrance to revenue of Sony in any way.
When it reveal that Sony sold more than 4.5 million. PlayStation 5 consoles in the fourth quarter, equivalent to the fourth quarter of 2013. That Sony released the PlayStation 4. For the first time.

Together with PS4 sales of 1.4 million units this quarter, Sony sold a total of 5.9 million consoles, which is far less than last year’s sales of a single PS4 console. 6 million in total.
But overall, it is still considered an impressive performance by Sony. Because they can earn the highest revenue from the game business in the history of the company at 883,226 million yen or about 252,323 million baht. A growth rate is 40% from the previous year, which the game business is the main business that generates the most income for the company in Currently at 32.75% (followed by appliances and other solutions at 24%).
Although Sony Play station 5 brings Sony a substantial revenue from the gaming business.
It achieve the company’s record quarterly revenue. But they accepted a document that presented information to investors. That operating income doesn’t increase as it should. This is the result of a pricing strategy for the PS5 at US $ 499 and US $ 399 (digital), which are the ‘lower’ prices they should have in relation to the production costs paid.
Sony’s total revenue for the quarter was 2.69 trillion ufabet yen or about 770 billion baht. That increase of 9% over the previous year and a net profit of 371.9 billion yen, or about 106,240 million baht, growing from the same period last year 62%.