Monthly Archives: June 2021

Opportunity to expand business for SMEs

Future trends Opportunity to expand business

Interesting future trends Opportunity to expand business for SMEs in every industry. The Urban Lifestyle group because it is a group that SMEs entrepreneurs can bring to grow more. It is a trend that has already occurred abroad.  In the country, it happened to some. and will continue

Revealing the changing consumer behavior

Revealing the changing consumer behavior

Revealing the changing consumer behavior in the era of Covid-19 and which behaviors are likely to change permanently. It is true that consumer behavior changes all the time. And it cannot be denied either that the COVID-19 crisis It is a catalyst for many behaviors to change so

Is Bitcoin Legal?

Is Bitcoin Legal?

Is Bitcoin Legal? The status of bitcoins also varies from country to country. Some countries allow bitcoin trading. In some countries, bitcoin is used as a regular currency. is to be able to pay the debt according to the law. August 2019, New Zealand legalized paying salaries in